As many of you guys have probably noticed, i haven't been very active around here lately. The reason why is a bit of a big one, that, honestly, I should have told you guys a bit sooner. For the next 2 or so months, I'll be doing Air Force Basic Training, so I won't have any access to my phone, or this site till June/July. The lead up to this was a shit-ton of work, to the point I've barely had time to work on creative things, which is kinda why the SFM vid has take so long to complete, and with the training happening in just a few days, I won't be able to complete it at all till im done. But, don't fret. I'm enlisting the help of one of my friends to post some of my art to the page while I'm away, so you guys have content to look at. Hopefully you guys like it. Anyway, I'll drop a post here once I get back, but for now, see ya guys in a few weeks.
Sad to see you go, but you got to do what you got to do. Be safe!
Will do!